Additional Lewis Lab Publications

  1. Yiheng, Fu, Ramazi, Pouria (2020). Asynchronous Decision-Making Dynamics Under Imitation Update Rule in Heterogeneous Populations. 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC):6. Conference Paper
  2. Thompson, Peter; Fagan, William F.; Staniczenko, Phillip P. A. (2020 Mar). Predictor species: Improving assessments of rare species occurrence by modeling environmental co-responses. Ecology and Evolution, 10(7):12.
  3. Fischer, Samuel; Huth, Andreas (2019) An Approach to Study Species Persistence in Unconstrained Random Networks. Scientific Reports, 9(14110):14.
  4. Merrill, E., Dobbin, M., Smolko, P., Xu, J., Thalmann, J., Horne, L. (2019) Quantifying contact rates for modelling transmission of chronic wasting disease. Annual Report: 66.
  5. Jones, KL., Shegelski, VA.,  Marculis, N.,Wijerathna, AN., Evenden, M. (2019). Factors influencing dispersal by flight in bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculiionidae: Scolytinae): from genes to landscapes.. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
  6. Morrison, C., Kunegel-Lion, M., Gallagher, CP., Wastle, RJ,. Lea, EV., Loewen, TN., Reist, JD., Howland, KL., Tierney, K. (2019) Decoupling of otolith and somatic growth during anadromous migration in a northern salmonid. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  7. Nagy-Reis, M., Iwakami, V., Estevo, C., Setz, E. (2018) Temporal and dietary segregation in a neotropical smail-felid assemblage and its relation to prey activity. Mammalian Biology, 95:8.
  8. Reimer, J., Brown, H., Beltaos-Kerr, E., de Vries, G. (2018) Evidence of intraspecific prey switching: stage- structured predation of polar bears on ringed seals. Oecologia, 189(1):16.
  9. Scrafford, MA., Avgar, T., Heeres, R., Boyce, Mark (2018). Roads elicit negative movement and habitat-selection responses by wolverines (Gulo gulo luscus). Behavioral Ecology, 29(3):534-542.
  10. Tucker, Marlee A., Böhning-Gaese, Katrin, Fagan, William F., Fryxell, John M., Moorter, Bram Van, Alberts, et al (2018). Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science, 359(6374):466-469.
  11. Caselli, B.C., Gestich, C.C., Nagy-Reis, Mariana (2017 ). Sleeping above the enemy: Sleeping site choice by black-fronted titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons). American Journal of Primatology, , 79(10)
  12. Yee, M., Reimer, J.R., Lunn, N.J., Togunov, R.R., Pilfold, N.W., McCall, A., Derocher, A.E. (2017) Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) Migration from Maternal Dens in Western Hudson Bay. Arctic 70(3): 319
  13. Avgar, T., S.R. Lele, J.L. Keim, and M.S. Boyce (2017) Relative Selection Strength: quantifying effect size in habitat- and step-selection inference. Ecology and Evolution 7(14): 5322-5330
  14. Signer, J., J. Fieberg, and T. Avgar (2017) Estimating utilization distributions from fitted step-selection functions. Ecosphere.8(4): e01771
  15. Betini, G., T. Avgar, K.S. McCann, and J.M. Fryxell (2017) Daphnia inhibits the emergence of spatial pattern in a simple consumer-resource system. Ecology 98(4): 1163-1170
  16. Scrafford, M., T. Avgar, B. Abercrombie, and M.S. Boyce (2017) Wolverine distribution in response to timber-harvest activities in Canada’s boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 395: 27-26
  17. Kittle, A.M., M. Anderson, T. Avgar, J.A. Baker, G.S. Brow n, et al. (2017) Landscape-level wolf space use is correlated with prey abundance, ease of mobility and the distribution of prey habitat. Ecosphere 8(4): e01783
  18. Prokopenko, C., M.S. Boyce, and T. Avgar, (2017) Characterizing w ildlife behavioural responses to roads using integrated step selection analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 470-479.
  19. Ladle, A., T. Avgar, M. Wheatley, and M.S. Boyce (2017) Predictive modeling of ecological patterns along linear-feature netw orks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 329-338.
  20. Betini, G., T. Avgar, and J.M. Fryxell (2017) Why are w e not evaluating multiple competing hypotheses in Ecology and Evolution? Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160756.
  21. Prokopenko, C., M.S. Boyce, and T. Avgar (2017) Extent-dependent habitat selection in a migratory large herbivore: road avoidance across scales. Landscape Ecology, 32: 313-325.
  22. Street, G.M., A.R. Rodgers, T. Avgar, L.M. Vander Vennen, and J.M. Fryxell (2017) Comparing resource selection and demographic models for predicting animal density. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81: 16–25.
  23. Bertram, D.F., A. Harfenist, L.L.E Cow en, D. Koch, M.C. Drever, J.M. Hipfner & M.J.F. Lemon. (2017) Latitudinal temperaturedependent variation in timing of prey availability can impact Pacific seabird populations in Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95(3): 161-167
  24. Andrew W. Bateman, Andreas Buttenschön, Kelley D. Erickson, Nathan G. Marculis (2017) Barnacles vs bullies: modelling biocontrol of the invasive European green crab using a castrating barnacle parasite. Theoretical Ecology 10(3): 305-378
  25. Mesgaran, M. B., A. Onofri, H. R. Mashhadi and R. D. Cousens (2017) Water availability shifts the optimal temperatures for seed germination: a modelling approach. Ecological Modelling. 351: 87–95
  26. Sasanfar, H. R., E. Zand, M. A. Baghestani, M. J. Mirhadi and M. B. Mesgaran (2017) Cross-resistance patterns of w inter w ild oat (Avena ludoviciana) populations to ACCase-inhibitor herbicides. Phytoparasitica. 45:419-428
  27. Rahimi, S., H. R. Mashhadi, M. Dehghan-Bandaki and M. B. Mesgaran (2016) Variation in weed seed fate fed to different Holstein cattle groups. PLoS ONE. 11- e0154057
  28. Knut Wiik Vollset, Ian Dohoo, Ørjan Karlsen, Elina Halttunen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Bengt Finstad, Vidar Wennevik, Ola H Diserud, Andrew Bateman, Kevin D Friedland, Shad Mahlum, Christian Jørgensen, Lars Qviller, Martin Krkošek, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup(2017) Disentangling the role of sea lice on the marine survival of Atlantic salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science, (epub)
  29. Andrew W Bateman, Bradley R Anholt (2017) Maintenance of polygenic sex determination in a fluctuating environment: an individual‐based model. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30(5):915-925
  30. Bateman, A. W.* Peacock, S. J.*, Connors, B., Polk, Z., Berg, D., Krkošek, M., and Morton, A. (2016) Recent failure to control sea-louse outbreaks on salmon in the Broughton Archipelago, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1164-1172 (*joint first authors)
  31. Peacock, S. J.* Bateman, A. W.*, Krkošek, M., Connors, B., Rogers, S., Portner, L., Polk, Z., Webb, C., and Morton, A. (2016) Sea-louse parasites on juvenile wild salmon in the Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada. Ecology (data paper)97(7): 1887 (*joint first authors)
  32. Reimer, Jody R., Michael B. Bonsall, and Philip K. Maini. (2016) Approximating the Critical Domain Size of Integrodifference Equations. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78(1): 72-109
  33. Reimer, Jody R., Michael B. Bonsall, and Philip K. Maini. (2017) The Critical Domain Size of Stochastic Population Models. Journal of Mathematical Biology 14(3): 755-782
  34. Marculis, Nathan G., and Roger Lui. (2016) Modelling the biological invasion of Carcinus maenas (the European green crab). Journal of Biological Dynamics10(1): 140-163
  35. Q. Huang and H. Wang (2016) A Toxin-Mediated Size-Structured Population Model: Finite Difference Approximation and Well-Posedness, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13: 697-722.
  36. McGreer, M.T., E.E. Mallon, L.M. Vander Vennen, P.A. Wiebe, T. Avgar, et al. (2015) Selection for forage and avoidance of risk by woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) at coarse and local scales. Ecosphere, 6:288
  37. Street, G.M., L.M. Vander Vennen, T. Avgar, A. Mosser, M. Anderson, A.R. Rodgers and J.M. Fryxell. (2015) Habitat selection follow ing recent disturbance: model transferability w ith implications for management and conservation of moose (Alces alces). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93: 813-821
  38. M. Laskow ski, Y. Xiao, N. Charland, S.M. Moghadas. (2015) Strategies for Early Vaccination During Novel Influenza Outbreaks. Sci Rep. 14(5):18062.
  39. Y. Xiao, F. Brauer, S.M. Moghadas. (2016) Can treatment increase the epidemic size? J Math Biol. 72(1-2): 343-61
  40. J. Liu, Y. Xiao, T. Zhang, J. Ma, (2016) Time to move on: Modeling transcription dynamics during an embryonic transition aw ay from maternal control, FLY 10(3): 101-107
  41. Yanyu Xiao , John Beier, Steve Cantrell, Chris Cosner, Don DeAngelis and Shigui Ruan (2015) Modelling the Effects of Climate Change and
    Socioeconomic Impact on the Transmission of Rift Valley Fever Virus, Plos One Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(1): e3388
  42. Shi-Liang Wu, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu and Yanyu Xiao , (2015) Global Attractivity, Spreading Speeds and Traveling Waves of Delayed Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Systems, Journal of Differential Equations, 258(4): 1058-1105
  43. Yanyu Xiao and Seyed M. Moghadas (2015) The Impact of Ethnicity and Geographic Location of Residence on the 2009 Influenza H1N1 Pandemic Vaccination, Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, 143(4): 757-765
  44. Kittle, A.M., M. Anderson, T. Avgar , J.A. Baker, G.S. Brow n, et al. (2015) Wolves adapt territory size, not pack size to local habitat quality. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(5): 1177-1186
  45. Avgar, T., J.A. Baker, G.S. Brow n, J. Hagens, A.M. Kittle, et al. (2015) Space-use behavior of w oodland caribou based on a cognitive movement model. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(4): 1059-1070
  46. Juliette Bouhours , Grégoire Nadin (2015) A variational approach to reaction diffusion equations w ith forced speed in R, DCDS-A, 35(5): 1843 – 1872
  47. Juliette Bouhours (2015) Robustness for a Liouville Type Theorem in Exterior Domains, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 27(2): 297-306
  48. Dean Koch (2015). Machine learning for mountain pine beetle outbreak prediction in BC, Graduate Student Award Presentations, SERGInternational Annual Workshop
  49. Auger-Méthé, M., Plank, M.J., Codling, E.A. (2014). Distinguishing between Lévy walks and strong alternative models: Comment. Ecology 95:1104-1109
  50. Bateman, A.W., Vos, M., Anholt, B.R.(2014) When to defend: anti-predator defenses and the predation sequence. American Naturalist 183(6):847-855
  51. Breed, G.A., Bowen, W.D., Leonard, M.L. (2013) Behavioral signature of intraspecific competition and density-dependence in colony breeding marine predators. Ecology and Evolution 3(11): 3838-3854
  52. DeMars, C., Auger-Méthé, M., Schlägel, U.E., Boutin, S. (2013) Inferring Parturition and Neonate Survival from Movement Patterns of Female Ungulates. Ecology and Evolution 3:4149-4160
  53. English, S., Bateman, A.W., Mares, R., Ozgul, A., Clutton-Brock, T. (2014) Maternal, social and abiotic environmental effects on growth vary across life stages in a cooperative mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(2):332-342
  54. Giuggioli L, Potts J.R., Rubenstein DI, Levin SA. (2013) Stigmergy, collective actions and social spacing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(42):16904-9
  55. Huchard, E., Charmantier, A., English, S., Bateman, A., Nielsen, J., Clutton-Brock, T. Additive genetic variance and developmental plasticity in growth trajectories in a wild cooperative mammal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(9): 1893-1904
  56. Luque, S.P., Ferguson, S.H., *Breed, G.A. (2014) Spatial behaviour of a keystone Arctic marine predator and implications of climate warming in Hudson Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461: 504-515 *Corresponding Author.
  57. Mares, R., Bateman, A.W., English, S., Clutton-Brock, T.H., and Young, A.J.(2014) Timing of pre-dispersal prospecting forays in meerkat societies: the importance of environmental, social and state-dependent factors. Animal Behaviour 88: 185-193
  58. Maxwell, S.M., Hazen, E.L., Bograd,S.J., Halpern, B.S., Breed, G.A., Nickel, B., Bailey,H., Kappes, M.A., et al. (2013) Pelagic predator distributions and impacts: implications for effective spatial management of the oceans. Nature Communications, 4:2688.
  59. Ozgul, A., Bateman, A.W., English, S., Coulson, T., Clutton-Brock, T.H. (2014) Linking body mass and group dynamics in an obligate cooperative breeder. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(6): 1357-1366
  60. Plank, M.J., Auger-Méthé, M., Codling, E.A. (2013) Lévy or not? Analysing positional data from animal movement paths. Dispersal, Individual Movement and Spatial Ecology: a Mathematical Perspective. M. Lewis, P.K., Maini, and S.V. Petrovskii (eds.) Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol 2071: 33-52
  61. Potts J.R., Harris S & Giuggioli L. (2013) Quantifying behavioural changes in territorial animals caused by sudden population declines. American Naturalist 182:E73-E82
  62. Severns, P.M., Breed, G.A. (2014) Behavioral divergence and life-history consequences after adoption of an exotic host plant (Plantago lanceolata) in two Euphydryas spp. butterflies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68(5): 805-814.
  63. Tancredi, A., Auger-Méthé, M., Marcoux, M., Liseo, B. (2013). Accounting for matching uncertainty in two stage capturerecapture experiments using photographic measurements of natural marks. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 20:647-655
  64. Goodsman, Devin W.; Lusebrink, Inka; Landhaeusser, Simon M.; et al. (2013) Variation in carbon availability, defense chemistry and susceptibility to fungal invasion along the stems of mature trees, New Phytologist 197(2):586-594
  65. Vasilyeva, Olga, Lutscher, Frithjof (2012) Competition of three species in an
    advective environment, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13(4):1730-1748
  66. Vasilyeva, Olga, Lutscher, Frithjof (2012) How flow speed alters competitive outcome in advective environments, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(12):2935-2958.
  67. Breed, G. A.,Stitcher, S., CroneE.E. (2012) Climate-driven changes in northeastern US butterfly communities. Nature: Climate Change – Earlyview, 3:142-145
  68. Edwards, A. M., Freeman M. P., Breed G. A., Jonsen I. D. (2012) Incorrect likelihood methods were used to infer scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour. PLoS ONE 7(10): e45174
  69. Costa, D. P., Breed, G. A., Robinson P. W. (2012) New insights into pelagic migrations: ecology and conservation. The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 43:73-96
  70. Harvey, V., Hammill, M.O., Swain, D.P., Breed, G. A., Lydersen, C., Kovacs, K.M. (2012) Winter foraging by a top predator, the grey seal, in relation to the distribution of prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 462:273-286
  71. Breed, G. A., Costa, D. P., Robinson, P.W., Jonsen, I. D., Mills-Flemming, J. (2012) State-space methods for better inference of behavioral dynamics in tracked animals. Ecological Modelling 235-236:49-58
  72. Giuggioli, L., Potts, J.R., Harris, S. (2012) Predicting oscillatory dynamics in the movement of territorial animals. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9(72):1529-1543
  73. Potts, J.R., Harris, S., Giuggioli, L. (2012) Territorial dynamics and stable home range formation for central place foragers. PLoS One 7(3)
  74. Stephanie J. Peacock and Carrie A. Holt (2012) Metrics and sampling designs for detecting trends in the distribution of spawning Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,69(4):681-694
  75. Michel Cristofol, Jimmy Garnier, Francois Hamel, Lionel Roques (2012) Uniqueness from pointwise observations in a multiparameter inverse problem, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 11(1):173-188
  76. Jimmy Garnier, Lionel Roques, Francois Hamel (2012) Success rate of a biological invasion in terms of the spatial distribution of the founding population, Bull Math Biol 74:453-473
  77. Jimmy Garnier, Thomas Giletti, François Hamel, Lionel Roques (2012) Inside dynamics of pulled and pushed fronts, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 98(4):428-449
  78. Lionel Roquesa, Jimmy Garnier, François Hamel, Etienne K. Klein (2012) Allee effect promotes diversity in traveling waves of colonization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(23):8828-8833
  79. Jimmy Garnier, Thomas Giletti, Gregoire Nadin (2012) Maximal and minimal spreading speeds for reaction diffusion equations in nonperiodic slowly varying media. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 24(3):521–538
  80. Hilker, FM, Langlais M, Malchow H. (2009). The Allee effect and infectious diseases: extinction, multistability, and the (dis-)appearance of oscillations. American Naturalist, 173, 72-88.
  81. Norris, Stephen P., Macnab, John S., Wonham, Marjorie, de Vries, Gerda. (2009). West Nile Virus: Using Adapted Primary Literature in Mathematical Biology to Teach Scientific and Mathematical Reasoning in High School. Res Sci Educ, 39:321–329.
  82. Kuzyk, G.W., Cool, N.L., Bork, E.W., Bampfylde, C., Franke, A. and Hudson, R.J. (2009). Estimating Economic Carrying Capacity for an Ungulate Guild in Western Canada. The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 3, 24-35.
  83. Bampfylde, C.J., Bobeldyk, A.M., Peters, J.A., Keller, R.P., McIntosh, C.(2009). A case study on rusty crayfish: Interactions between empiricists and theoreticians. (pp 226-243 in Keller R.P., Lodge D.M., Lewis M.A. & Shogren, J.F. (eds.), Bioeconomics of invasive species: Integrating ecology, economics, policy and management. Oxford University Press.
  84. Bampfylde, C.J., Peters, J.A., Bobeldyk, A.M. (2010) A literature analysis of freshwater invasive species research: Are empiricists, theoreticians, and economists working together? Biological Invasions 12(5): 1207-1219
  85. P. Bernhard, F. Hamelin. (2009) Two-by-two static, evolutionary and dynamic games. In Y. Bertot, G. Huet, J.-J. Levy, G. Plotkin (Eds), From Semantics to Computer Science: Essays in Honor of Gilles Kahn, Cambridge University Press, Ch.20, pp. 452-474.
  86. Kuzyk, Gerald W., Cool, N.L., Bork, E.W., Bampfylde, C., Franke, A., and Hudson, R.J. (2009). Estimating Economic Carrying Capacity for an Ungulate Guild in Western
    Canada, The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 3: 24-35
  87. Hilker, FM, Langlais, M, Malchow, H. (2009). The Allee effect and infectious
    diseases: extinction, multistability, and the (dis-)appearance of oscillations. American Naturalist 173: 72-88.
  88. Krkosek, M. (2009). Ecology and policy of sea lice and salmon in Pacific Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(4): 201-209
  89. Bernhard, P., Hamelin, F.. (2009). Two-by-two static, evolutionary and dynamic games. In Y. Bertot, G. Huet, J.-J. Levy, G. Plotkin (Eds), Semantics to Computer Science: Essays in Honor of Gilles Kahn, Cambridge University Press, Ch. 20, pp. 452-474.
  90. Jerde, C.L. & Bossenbroek, J.M. (2009). Uncertain invasions: a biological perspective. In R Keller, Lewis, M.A., D Lodge & J Shogren (Eds). Bioeconomics of invasive species: Integrating ecology, economics, policy, and management (pps 126-150). Oxford University Press.
  91. Drake, J.M. & Jerde, C.L. (2009). Stochastic models of propagule pressure and establishment. In Bioeconomics of invasive species: Integrating ecology, economics, policy, and management, R Keller, Lewis, M.A., D Lodge & J Shogren, eds (pps 82-102). Oxford University.
  92. Muirhead, J.R., Bobeldyk, A., Bossenbroek, J., Egan, K., & Jerde, C. (2009). Estimating dispersal and predicting spread of nonindigenous species. In Reuben P. Keller, David M. Lodge, Mark A. Lewis & Jason F. Shogren (Eds), Bioeconomics of Invasive Species: Integrating ecology, economics, policy and management (pps 103-125). Oxford University Press. 
  93. Hilker, FM, Schmitz, K. (2008). Disease-induced stabilization of predator-prey oscillations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 255, 299-306.
  94. Morton, A., Routledge, R., & Krkosek, M. (2008). Sea lice infestation of juvenile salmon and herring associated with fish farms off the east central coast of British Columbia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28, 523-532.
  95. Connors, B., Krkosek, M., & Dill, L. (2008). Sea lice escape predation on their host. Biology Letters. 4, 455-457.
  96. Steinberg, A., Ejsmont-Karabin, J., Muirhead, J.R., Harvey, C. & MacIsaac, H.J. (2009). Consistent, long term change in roiter community composition across four Polish lakes. Hydrobiologia 624(1): 107-114
  97. Hamelin, F. & Bernhard, P. (2008). Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example. Automatica, 44:882-885.
  98. Malchow, H., Hilker, F.M., Siekmann, I., Petrovskii, S.V. & Medvinsky, A.B. (2008). Mathematical models of pattern formation in planktonic predation-diffusion systems: A review. In Aspects of Mathematical Modelling, Hosking RJ, Venturino E, eds. Birkhäuser, Basel, p1-26.
  99. Morton, A., Routledge, R. & Krkosek, M. (2008). Sea louse infestation of juvenile salmon and herring associated with fish farms off the east central coast of British Columbia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28, 523-532.
  100. Muirhead, J.R., Gray, D.K., Kelly, D.W., Ellis S.M. & MacIsaac, H.J. (2008). Identifying the source of species invasions: sampling intensity vs. genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology 17:1020-1035.
  101. Gomes, M.G.M., Rodrigues, P., Hilker, F.M., Mantilla-Beniers, N.B., Muehlen, M., Paulo, A.C.A.S., & Medley, G.F. (2007).  Implications of partial immunity on the prospects for tuberculosis control by post-exposure interventions. Jrnl. of Theoretical Biology 248: 608-617
  102. Gaenssler, P., Molnár, P.K., Rost, D. (2007). On continuity and strict increase of the cdf for the sup-functional of a Gaussian process with applications to statistics. Results in Mathematics 51: 51-60.
  103. Bampfylde, C.J. (2007).  Invited commentary on Parameter estimation for differential equations: A generalized smoothing approach (Ramsay et al.). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 69(5): 776.
  104. Hamelin, F., Bernhard, P., & Wajnberg, E. (2007). Superparasitism as a differential game. Theoretical Population Biology, 72:366-378
  105. Herborg, L.M., Jerde, C.L., Lodge, D.M., Ruiz, G.M., & MacIsaac, H.J. (2007). Predicting the North American distribution of Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) using measures of propagule pressure and environmental niche models. Ecological Applications, 17(3): 663-674.
  106. Hilker, F.M. & Langlais, M., Petrovskii, S.V., Malchow, H. (2007). A diffusive SI model with Allee effect and application to FIV. Mathematical Biosciences 206, 61-80.
  107. Hilker, F.M. & Westerhoff, F.H. (2007). Preventing extinction and outbreaks in chaotic populations. American Naturalist 170, 232-241.
  108. Hilker, F.M. & Westerhoff, F.H. (2007). Triggering crashes in chaotic dynamics. Physics Letters A, 362, 407-411.
  109. Malchow, H. & Hilker, F.M. (2007). Pattern formation in models of nonlinear plankton dynamics: a minireview. In Schröder B, Reuter H, Reineking B, eds., Multiple Scales in Ecology, Theorie in der Ökologie, vol. 13, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/M., pp. 3-20.
  110. Wonham, M.J. (2006). Species Invasions. Chapter 9 in Principles of Conservation Biology, 3rd ed. MJ Groom, GK Meffe, CR Carroll, ed., Sinauer 779 pp.
  111. Wonham, Marjorie J.,  and Pachepsky, Elizaveta. (2006). A null model of temporal trends in biological invasion records. Ecology Letters, 9: 663–672.