Workshop on Advances in Mathematical Ecology
held in Toronto at the Fields Institute to commemorate Mark Lewis’ 60th Birthday! Click here to read more.
Congratulations to Xiaotian Hua!
Public presentation of the Final MSc Defense of Xiaotian Hua
Date: August 22, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Virtual
Temporal and spatial coral-algae dynamics with larval dispersal
Inaugural Chair in Mathematical Biology
Dr. Mark Lewis joins the Faculty of Science as the inaugural Gilbert and Betty Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology and Professor in the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics and Biology.
-> to read more
Congratulations to Frithjof Lutscher, former Lewis Lab member, who was awarded the 2022 CAIMS Research Prize for his excellent research in mathematical ecology, particularly in spatial ecology. Frithjof was a member of the Lewis Lab from 2001 to 2005.
Great News! Lewis Lab alumnus Raphael Kelly received the Schulich Leader Scholarship! Raphael was mentored by Peter Harrington and Mark throughout his high school years.
Congratulations to Nick Paroshy for receiving the Weston Family Award in Northern Research (Master’s Level).
Congratulations to Peter Harrington for receiving the Anton Alexander Cseuz Gold Medal in Mathematics
for his PhD thesis!
Congratulations to Peter Harrington!
Public presentation of the Final PhD Defense of Peter Harrington
Date: March 8, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Virtual
Sources, sinks, and sea lice: determining patch contribution and transient dynamics in marine metapopulations
Congratulations to Peter Thompson for receiving an Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship!
Congratulations to Kelsey Gritter!
Public presentation of the Final MSc Defense of Kelsey Gritter
Date: January 25, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Virtual